Saturday, June 20, 2009

I say y'all...yes, it's true.

To piggyback off of Dan’s comment about truly living with and amongst these Kenyan people, one of the biggest blessings found in the length of our stay is that we can break from our weekly routines of investing in specific children and/or ministries in order to reach more remote, desperate areas outside of town….like today’s trek into the glorious land called Mt. Elgon. We traveled two hours up into the mountains (and yes, I nearly thought we were going to die on more than one occasion) in order to reach a group of people who have been devastated by the tribal conflicts over the past year. To put it into perspective, 7,000 refugees are living with their relatives in this tiny village, and such an enormous excess of people, combined with a famine, has led to serious starvation. It was a very eye-opening day mixed with lots of laughter…and bumpy roads. I couldn’t help but realize, as we were singing with these joyful people, that it is times like these that give such a foretaste of heaven…yet there will be no difference in language, nation, or economic status. Ah, I can’t wait...but until then, just picture a group of dirty, happy, twenty-something-year-olds learning more and more each day what it looks like to live in a community that seeks to be filled to overflowing with love for these wonderful Kenyan people. On that note, I must say goodnight, y’all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annie, I am Theresa, Chris' Mom. I so enjoyed reading your post. Thank you for the wonderfule update. Could you please give my son a hug for me and tell him I miss him. I learned from his last trip the best way to keep up on everything is to read the girls posts. They are so detailed and really fill us in so, I will be checking yours daily. Thank you for serving the Lord, you are a very special person and I am praying for all of you there.

    Theresa XOXOX
