Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Good morning readers. I want to first give a shout out to Jim and Jackie Gillen, who are a couple of my roommates back home who have been demanding a blog post. Without them and a lot of others, I wouldn't be hanging out in Africa with old friends, new friends and a million beautiful Kenyans... so I owe them this at least. First of all I am having a great time with the people in my group. So far they don't seem to mind that I am a weirdo. I guess it's only a matter of time before they make me sleep outside with the goats. But for now, I'm hangin' in there. Right now Dan, Chris, and myself are outnumbered by a huge number of girls, but they are very lovely... so far. We are all having a good time in the house. More importantly, I think I can speak for every person in this group when I say that we are having the most incredible time being a part of this community. As you can tell by everyone else's posts, we are meeting amazing people and going to amazing places every day. I came here for the first time about 6 months ago and being back now I have been able to experience the feeling I get when a tiny kid runs up to me yelling my name because he had missed me from my first trip. "Mac! Mac! Martin! Mott!" close enough, it is an indescribable feeling that is truly a "foretaste into heaven." It broke my heart, then put it back together, then melted it, reformed it, smashed it, fixed it back up, then shattered it. All in one motion. You can imagine what my face looked like when that happened. Anyway, I am going to use the word "we" instead of "I" (because we are a community) when I say that we are so excited to see what God has for us during the rest of our stay. I think that God has been continuing to prepare our hearts for what we will come across from day to day. He is moving in big big ways and I can't express my love and appreciation in words for the blessings he has given us and will give us. I am honored to be a part of this group and I am humbled to be able to serve these wonderful people. Please continue to pray for our safety and attitudes and our hearts and minds. And of course, never stop praying for the wonderful people of Africa.

Parents, be proud of your children that are here.
Chris Wohlers is the man.
Steve Rutenbar is even better.



  1. Hi Matt, it is Theresa, Chris' Mom. Thank you for the wonderful post. You are an amazing young man. Give Chris a hug for me and keep on doing what you do for those beautiful children.


  2. Matt,
    Wow-it sounds like your heart is being touched in amazing ways - I love your description of your feelings, very poetic! Thanks for your willingness to go find out what God wants you to learn while you serve others. We will continue to follow your journey.
    :)Sandy Grant

  3. Hey Matt... good to see you the other day in the background while I Skype'd with Chris. Great blog post here. I'm so very glad you got to go to Kenya with Chris. I know he appreciates your friendship and that you are there with him in Kenya. Everything seems to be going great in Kitale. I'll look forward to seeing you when you return and hearing all the ways God's touched you while there. (Plus, I know you'll appreciate the U.S. so much more upon return!)
