Friday, May 22, 2009

Arrived safe

Hello everyone,

Well I arrived safely last night after some long flights, and being alone on the plane doesn't help. It is so good to be home and to see familiar faces. I leave this evening for Kitale, and I can't wait to meet Kylee and Ashley, who are already there. My good friend Stonic picked me up last night, and he told me the girls were in Kitale, and were very happy, which in turn makes me happy. Until next time, I hope that everyone is safe, and happy.

God bless,


  1. so glad to hear you are safe and sound. Love you and am so very proud of you.

    Mom xoxox

  2. glad u made it comes the San Diego 5...

  3. Chris,
    You rock man and you are in my prayers.
    God Bless!!

  4. Glad you are in Kenya safe and sound my son! It was great that they were able to check your bags all the way through to Kenya. Does Pastor Steve have a blog? What's the address? Well, check in often son... can we iChat or Skype since you have high speed internet?? That would save tons of money when we talk, plus I can SEE YOU. Let me know.
