So for the last couple of days we have had a group of about 26 African kids staying in the backyard at our compound. They are a group of kids that we call the mercy kids. The kids are on their break from school and Steve offered for them to stay with us for a little while. They are all orphans that go to this school called Purpose Driven Academy All of their school fees are funded by donations, some of wich come from members at Saddleback Church. They have a pretty amazing story an they have come from some really unfortunate circumstances. You would never know this by seeing them now. They are such a loving and joyful group of young kids that love the Lord and are so grateful for what he has done in their lives. They are definitely an inspiration to me and others to trust that God has everything under control and that everything he puts in our life is fro a purpose. They show me that no matter what I have that I can always find happiness in the Lord and in loving others. There are some amazing kids in our backyard...